Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Mowing the lawn for the glory of God!

Have you ever mowed the lawn on a Saturday morning, with the sun beating down on you, sweat running down your face, grass sticking all over your legs, flies and grasshoppers trying to jump in your mouth, nose, and ears; and thinking how cool it is inside, how nice water tastes, how you really want to be either back in bed or playing a video game? I have.

But that is when you cut the lawn mower, look up at the beautiful sky, listen to the birds singing, smell the freshly cut grass, (and hopefully not be tasting a grasshopper...) and realize how lucky you are to be outside on such a beautiful morning!

That is when you realize how great our God really is! Those are the moments that you just want to bow down with your face to the ground and worship God for making this wonderful world that we live in! Those are the moments when we wonder why we were having a bad attitude, when we wished we were in bed, when we wished we were sitting in front of the TV with a PS3 controller in our hands. Those are the moments when we don't notice how hot we are, we just feel the cool breeze. Those are the moments that we don't feel thirsty, we just feel a wonderful stillness, a glorious morning that most people were missing.

When we stop, look, and listen, we realize how wonderful, and glorious, and incredible our God is! We wonder why some people don't take the time to "stop and smell the flowers", we wonder why some people don't see, through God's creation, how wonderful, and glorious, and incredible our God really is!

But once the moment is over, and you realize you still have to mow the front yard after you finish the back, all those wishes come back. When you have to start the lawn mower again, and it breaks the silence and beauty of nature; when you are just counting the swipes of the weed eater until you can go inside, those are the moments when we recall to memory what the apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:31 - "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all for the glory of God."

That means, that no matter what you are doing, whether you are eating, drinking, playing cards, crocheting, hanging out with friends, or mowing the lawn; you are supposed to do ALL of it for glory of our Heavenly Father! How do you do that? I'm not a Bible scholar, and I'm not very good at guessing, but my guess is this: for example, when you're mowing the lawn, sing praises to Him, or pray. And while you are mowing, if someone passes on the sidewalk be sure to say hi and maybe even mention something about how beautiful the day is, who knows, you might be able to share Christ with someone! When you do something for the glory of God, anything is possible! or, when you are hanging out with friends, sing together, pray together, share your favorite Bible verse, talk about what God has been doing in your life lately. As Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 - "Pray without ceasing".

So get out there! Mow the lawn for the glory of God! I challenge you!

In Christ,

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